Wild Jujube
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Wild Jujube
ative Photo: Jyoti Desai
Common name: Wild Jujube, Wrinkled jujube • Hindi: Churna, Suran • Kannada: Belahadu, Kanika, ಕೊಟ್ಟ (ಮುಳ್ಳು) Kotta (mullu), ಮುಳ್ಳುಹಣ್ಣು Mulluhannu, ಚೊಟ್ಟೆ Chotte • Marathi: तोरण toran, तुरण Turan • Malayalam: Thodali, Tutari • Nepali: काँटे बयर Kaante Bayar, हर्राया बयर Harraayaa Bayar • Sanskrit: घोण्टा Ghontaa • Tamil: தொடரி Totari • Telugu: గొట్టికంప Gottichettu
Botanical name: Ziziphus rugosa    Family: Rhamnaceae (Ber family)
Synonyms: Zizyphus rugosa, Ziziphus glabra

Wild Jujube is a small tree or straggling shrub, armed with stipular spines, solitary or paired with a broad base. Young branches are yellow-velvety. Leaves, 5-12.5x4-6 cm, are broadly elliptic, short-tippes, denticulate, base oblique, wrinkled, petiole 0.8-1.5 cm long, densely velvet-hairy. Inflorescence of pedunculate cymes, densely pubescent, peduncle c.5 mm long. Pedicel, to 4 mm long. Calyx puberulous inside 1.5-2 mm long, with ovate acute lobes. Petals absent. Disc 5-lobed, styles 2, connate below the middle. Fruit c. 5-8 mm in diameter, globose or pyriform, white when ripe. Flowering: December-January.

Identification credit: Ajinkya Gadave Photographed in Maharashtra.

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